
Alcohol Use Disorder can present with symptoms varying from mild, moderate, or severe – with the most severe being alcoholism or addiction. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol use, you are not alone. Recovery is possible!

Addressing Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Black Populations


Alcohol and substance abuse is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across all demographics. However, Black populations (African American, Afro-Caribbean, etc.) face unique challenges and disparities in accessing effective treatment and support for their suffering. By understanding these challenges and providing culturally specific care, we can better address the needs of Black individuals struggling with [...]

Addressing Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Black Populations2024-07-27T15:32:17+00:00

11 Signs Your Alcohol Or Drug Use Is Becoming A Problem


11 signs your alcohol or drug use is becoming a problem If you're wondering whether your alcohol or drug use has become an issue, recognizing warning signs can help you to decide if it's time to seek help. This post will share 11 warning signs to be aware of when determining if your alcohol [...]

11 Signs Your Alcohol Or Drug Use Is Becoming A Problem2024-07-22T16:55:57+00:00

Alcohol Use Disorder


Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) When things change inside of you, they change all around you. Alcohol Use Disorder is a multifaceted medical condition that involves consuming alcohol despite the negative consequences that arise, such as emotional or physical problems. Globally, alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances, that [...]

Alcohol Use Disorder2024-07-22T15:47:09+00:00
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