Far from being an isolated problem, teen substance use disorder (SUD) is part of a syndrome of problem behaviors that affect not only the youth themselves, but their families and communities as well.

The clinical experts at The Hollywood & Vine Recovery Center (HVRC) understand the difficulty and emotional weight that can come with making the decision to enroll your teen into treatment for their substance use and abuse. However, you may find comfort in knowing that our addiction and mental health professionals do more than treat the symptoms of abuse, we facilitate the change that can lead your teen and family to long-term recovery and a fulfilled, happy life.

Our comprehensive, compassionate, and age-appropriate treatment is tailored to meet the unique needs of adolescents. Evidence-based treatment can be extremely effective on adolescents suffering with substance use disorder and co-occurring disorders. Oftentimes, treatment and recovery can be lifesaving.

HVRC Treatment: Quality Care For Your Teen

HVRC teen substance abuse treatment programs are tailored to treat teens who suffer with substance use, behavioral issues, and co-occurring mental health disorders. We start with programs centered on what each client needs in order to heal from underlying trauma, problems, and/or consequences and achieve happiness without drugs and/or alcohol. HVRC teen treatment programs successfully discharge clients that emerge from treatment happy, joyous, and free.

How We Treat Teens

Through a combination of individual, group, and family therapies, as well as various mindfulness practices and innovative experiential therapies, our clinical team addresses developmental issues, provides comprehensive and integrated services, involves families, and allows adolescents to remain in the most appropriate, but least restrictive setting. Allowing teens to be treated within the context of their life, families, classroom and community.

We have two levels of care (Outpatient Programs and Intensive Outpatient Programs) to facilitate your teen and family through a treatment program that is right for your current situation. There is hope.

HVRC evidence-based treatment programs are individualized, and treatment interventions may include:

  • Age-appropriate intervention and treatment that is individualized to each client’s specific developmental stage.

  • Support with life skills training, employment, education, and meaningful opportunities for community involvement and leadership development.
  • Psychotherapeutic and behavioral interventions to explore teens’ cognitive processes and their learned behaviors.

  • Developmentally and gender appropriate care to address the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty.
  • The use of effective strategies to engage teens, channel their energy, and hold their attention.
  • address the nuances of adolescent experience (including cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and moral development) and how these nuances interface with their alcohol and other drug use.

  • screenings and assessment services that are developmentally appropriate, trauma informed, and responsive to gender identity, sexuality, and culture.

  • comprehensive, multifaceted, trauma-informed, culturally and developmentally appropriate interventions provided in an empathetic, nonjudgmental manner.

  • Providers are sensitive to the cultural expectations our clients have in their interactions with authority figures, adults, and across gender and cultural/racial groups.

Teen Alcohol and Substance Use

Teen alcohol and substance use can result in academic difficulties, criminal activity, health-related consequences, poor peer and family relationships, mental health issues, early sexual activity, teen pregnancy, neurological defects, mental illnesses and more.

The most commonly abused substances besides alcohol and marijuana can include amphetamines, prescription painkillers, cough medicine, sedatives, and an alarming increase in the use of e-cigarettes and “vaping”.

Historically, substance abuse treatment services have not served youth well because most were designed and intended for adults. When compared to the adult SUD treatment and recovery populations, adolescents (ages 12-17) have distinct psychological, developmental, and emotional strengths and needs.

Teens are beginning to move away from family based to peer-based identity on the way to defining who they are as individuals. This period of rapid developmental change involves major biological, behavioral, hormonal, and cognitive transitions. Our clinically team is made up of addiction and mental health professionals who work with teens and their families to face challenges in their personal and family lives, while coping with the stresses of modern life. Get the individualized treatment your teen needs and deserves with HVRC.

Teen Mental Health Treatment

We treat an array of mental and co-occurring disorders in teens. Our clinical expertise includes working with teens who have difficulty regulating their emotions and are engaging in high-risk or self-injurious behaviors. Also those who suffer from suicidal ideation. Our physician, therapist, psychiatric practitioners, and counselors all specialize in complex cases with high-acuity mental health issues and co-occurring disorders.

Click the button below to read more about our teen outpatient recovery programs.

Levels of Treatment

HVRC outpatient treatment options include traditional Outpatient services and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP).

  • Traditional outpatient for those who do not need structured or intensive treatment but would still benefit from ongoing supportive services to facilitate and sustain recovery.
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) offer a higher level of care than traditional outpatient services. IOPs may be a good ideal if you need more than weekly or bi-weekly treatment to assist with recovery.

2-4 days/week

Mon – Fri 4p – 7p
Saturday 10a – 3p
Sunday Closed



Appointment Only / No Walk-Ins

20933 Devonshire St. Suite 102 Chatsworth, CA 91311

Contact The Hollywood & Vine Recovery Center

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