
Embracing Diversity: LGBTQ Recovery


LGBTQ+ recovery programs address the unique set of challenges that members of the community often face when looking to recover from their substance abuse and mental health suffering. As a result, some treatment facilities, like The Hollywood & Vine Recovery Center, offer programming that is designed to address LGBTQ+ unique stressors and societal pressures while [...]

Embracing Diversity: LGBTQ Recovery2024-07-26T03:29:46+00:00

Addressing Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Black Populations


Alcohol and substance abuse is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across all demographics. However, Black populations (African American, Afro-Caribbean, etc.) face unique challenges and disparities in accessing effective treatment and support for their suffering. By understanding these challenges and providing culturally specific care, we can better address the needs of Black individuals struggling with [...]

Addressing Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Black Populations2024-07-27T15:32:17+00:00
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